"Some people create with words, or with music, or with a brush and paints. I like to make something beautiful when I run." - Pre

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Legs Can Suck It

Three days left of an insane 7-day volume overload period. Unlike many triathletes who prefer to start their weekly training blocks on Monday, I start on Sunday. Why? Because Sunday is long run day, duh! I like to start a new weekly training block with a long run, as opposed to finishing that way, 'cause it just seems right. Only this particular week I am shaking everything up a bit, and I'll tell you why later. I'm not divulging the details of this block yet 'cause I am not done 'till Saturday. But I will say that it will be (and is already becoming) the hardest training week of my life, volume-wise. I am exhausted, insanely sore and know that I'm gonna have to rely on mental strength to finish these last several sessions. My legs can suck it! I don't care how they feel now, this week I am proving to myself that I am capable of what I believe I am. Following weeks will be filled with intensity and all that, but this week, I am just putting in tons of miles and spending hours every day doing what I love. It hurts in a very, very good way. I'm not afraid!

It doesn't matter what goes on in your head. You tell yourself what to think! It doesn't matter what goes on in your life. Deal with it! An true athlete pours their heart and soul into training and racing. No matter how bad it hurts, or whatever setbacks you face, you gotta keep your eyes on your goal and never, ever lose focus. On race day, the win will go to the athlete who wanted it most last month, three months ago, last year. The athlete who planned, trained and raced according to plan all season long. The athlete who gave their all, every day, and not only trained but LIVED their sport. It's not just about training...every little thing you do either brings you closer to your goal or pushes you back. That's what's about to change in my life - I've always lived for the excitement in sport, looking for new ways to get an adrenalin rush. Never cared about recovery or anything like that. But I want to see how far I can go in triathlon, and I am willing to commit to whatever it takes. I have a ton of support from friends who want to see me in Kona. Also I'm living next door to an incredible ironman triathlete who is one day going to win the IM World Championships. How can I not want to pour everything into swimbikerun?

I am so glad that I'm still in school, albeit grad school. I have a much more free time than do most people living in the "real world" and of course I devote this time to training. I have to keep in mind that I am supporting myself, which means that my grades stay UP or else I lose my scholarship and have to take a second job. uggh, no way, so everyone please keep reminding me to focus on school. It's hard when I feel so much pressure to qualify for Kona already.

Like I've said before, I am incredibly blessed. I don't know why, but I *know* that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I've always felt at home wherever I've lived, but it's never been like this. THANK YOU to all my friends and fellow athletes who brighten my day with a smile or a few words. It gets really lonely with all the reading and research I do, and I appreciate all the random encounters and funny texts more than I can say ;)

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