"Some people create with words, or with music, or with a brush and paints. I like to make something beautiful when I run." - Pre

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Exhaustion and Acorn Squash

And grilled asparagus, and quinoa-kidney bean salad, and cauliflower soup...since I have so much reading to do tonight I am cooking while I am at it! Oops..think the quinoa is burning. Hang on.

Nope, but almost. Just turned off the burner and am letting it sit there and soak up the remaining water. I love quinoa! And my new george forman grill too. I figured out why it was marked down 70% though...the lid is crooked. I tried to fix it, but no go. It works great though, so awesome to have this thing!

Anyway... I don't think there's really a point to this post. Like the title says, I am exhausted. And eating acorn squash...haha but the exhaustion is something I knew would hit eventually. Undergrad was hell, with the Corps and triathlon and school. Just didn't work! But now, sans Corps, I am doing better. Each week I read 5-6 books and write a paper or three. Nothing big, and most of it is on my own time. That leaves plenty of space for training, but the catch is that training makes me really tired. Really? Who woulda thought...

It goes like this: I think to myself okay, I have a four hour ride, 2 hour run, done three hours before class. Plenty of time to start that next textbook, reread my book report and post to that online discussion board. I get back, nom on one of my awesome green smoothies, and...stare at that paper with bleary eyes for the better part of an hour before realizing the epic waste of time. Post to the discussion board, force myself to polish the paper and trudge off to class. Manage to not only stay awake, but look bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and just thrilled to discuss medical malpractice in 17th-century London. Get back from class and try to get a start on the next textbook before passing out with my head on the table. Drag myself to bed, set the alarm for 3AM so I can get a start on that book before swim practice at 6AM. This is just an example, but you get the idea. I know how much easier it would be to ease up the training, but I will not! I WILL make this work :D

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my life. And don't worry Mom, I know I can't afford to lose this fellowship so I will focus on my studies and get everything done to "A" standards. I love my classes, and most of the books I have been assigned. It's just gonna be tough to fit it all in...glad I don't have papers to grade just yet!

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