"Some people create with words, or with music, or with a brush and paints. I like to make something beautiful when I run." - Pre

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Adventure Races and Epic Triathlon Weekends!!!

No, I haven't done any of these yet. But I will, starting early 2011, and I couldn't be more excited. I've wanted to try out some adventure races for quite some time now, and have finally decided to register for some. I just need some other die-hards to join me 'cause most of these races don't have solo options. Mountain biking, trekking, orienteering, ropes courses, you name it, they have it! I'd much rather race one of these NOW, but my checkbook is empty and my race schedule is full. If you're curious, the races I'm looking at are the "Big Chill" in late January, and the "Spread Your Wings" in late May. And no, the sprint options are NOT an option for me. Sorry prospective teammates, I'm only considering the long stuff! :D

And then there's these epic triathlon weekends that Nate Poland (THANK YOU NATE!!!) told me about. There are two of them - one in Ohio in October, and one in South Carolina in May (the weekend before Spread Your Wings). I have every intention of racing them both (if I don't race Kona that is). It goes like this: Day 1: super-sprint triathlon. Day 2: TWO Olympic distance tri's; the one in the AM is normal, and the one in the PM is backwards. Awesome! Then Day 3: half-ironman triathlon. Come on people, is this epic or what?!?!?! Those who know me are already either laughing or crying now, 'cause they know there is no talking me out of this :D

So that's that. Since I've been tapering (uggh) my days have been sadly lacking in adventure. But this will be remedied on Thursday when I fly out to Vermont for the Vermont 100K. Yessssss it is about time to race! I've missed the ultras...
I have mandatory trail work on Friday (all participants must do some of this) then the race is Saturday. I will fly back Sunday, have some R&R, then head down to DFW for another epic weekend consisting of a double-century ride on Saturday, epic El Scorcho cheer party Sat night, pool party early Sunday morning, then playing all day at Lifetime Fitness while Limo works (bless the guy, on his feet all day right after his first ultra :P).

WOW finally I will stop feeling like a slacker. Does anyone else feel like they gain 10lbs when they taper? Blah, worst feeling ever. Soon I'll be back in my normal state, exhausted and sore on a daily basis. Love!

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