"Some people create with words, or with music, or with a brush and paints. I like to make something beautiful when I run." - Pre

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Yup! this has been my life for the past week and I love it! I'm living at home in San Antonio for the summer, but the day after I got back my family headed out on vacation for 10 days. I stayed home to train and watch our pets (and I'm supposed to look for a part-time job but decided to put that on hold for a few days ;). So here is a look at a typical day for me this past week: sleep in 'till around 7 (gasp!), chill out for an hour or three with coffee, a book and my dog, then head out on the bike for a few hours. Next comes a t-run, then off to the pool! Of course my training is pretty structured right now, and the length and intensity varies by day, but this is the general scenario. Could anything be better?!

This week is a really intense crash week for me - high volume, but not leaving out intensity either. Thankefully the Texas hill country is taking care of most of that for me! If everything goes according to plan, I'll have logged 400 miles on the bike, 60 miles running, and 22,000 yards in the pool by the end of the week. Awesome! I know the running milage is low for a crash week, but that's to allow for more cycling, which I REALLY need to work on. I did have a little glitch on Tuesday, when I got run off the road while cycling. I went down pretty hard, and got some road rash, bruising (my hip is almost entirely purple lol) and aggravated my knee and hip. But nothing too bad, and though I had to take the rest of the day off, and nixed all interval work in the pool for the rest off the week thanks to my stiff neck, I don't expect to have to change up anything else. Whew!

I haven't been baking as much as I thought I would. Guess I've just been too tired. But I HAVE experimented with/improved on some awesome recipes that I've been dying to try, including no-sugar banana bread, roasted walnut butter, green smoothies and kale chips. The kale chips rocked! Oh man. I'm about to try to make spinach chips; hope they turn out the same! The green smoothies are awesome too, I've been making them for a while now but new versions have appeared in my sweet Vitamix nearly every day. Two of my favorites are romaine, bananas, oranges, strawberries and green grapes; and spinach, pineapple, banana and soy ice cream. YUM!

There's so much more that I could write about, but if I covered everything else this post would probably be 10 pages long! So I'll stop here and get those spinach chips in the oven. Happy training everyone, enjoy your day!

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