"Some people create with words, or with music, or with a brush and paints. I like to make something beautiful when I run." - Pre

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oh man. I always try to avoid posting anything when I'm really emotionally wound up, 'cause I'll look at that post later and wonder what sort of emotional freak wrote that stuff! lol. But I need to recap everything that's gone on this past week - graduation, Final Review, saying goodbye to all my friends... . The thing that sucks about being a military brat is you never get to make lifelong friends. It's not too hard to keep in touch with people, but since you never actually "know" them for more than a few years you never really form a strong bond. I started school at Texas A&M just a few weeks after moving to Texas, so the only friends I have here are at A&M! And now I've graduated and have to start over again at Texas Tech in August. Joy. But I have had the best years of my life here; with triathlon, work, my classes, the Corps, it's all been crazy busy but so much fun! I can't believe it's all over though...seems just yesterday that I was spending the night with the Corps (B-Co, ha!), enduring my my first weeks of the Corps, attending my first classes..where did these four years go? I would do it all over again in a hearbeat, no doubt about it.

But I could go on about that for hours so I'll stop myself here. Graduation. WOW!!! Like one of my friends said, that ceremony was magical. I was dissapointed to realize that the actual moment of walking across the stage and receiving my diploma is a total blank in my mind - I actually asked my sister if I did indeed take the diploma and shake everyone's hand 'cause I honestly don't remember a second of it! AHHhhhh! Oh well. Since I was homeschooled I never had a normal high school graduation so this ceremony was extra special for me.

But graduation paled in comparison to Final Review. That was probably the most memorable ceremony that I will ever experience. Unless you've been in the Corps you just can't understand the feelings we seniors had when we marched around Kyle Field for the last time, and then stood by and watched our underclassmen march by us. I almost cried, and probably will later on when I think back on it all. The camraderie we all have is amazing, and I am going to remember my friends and fellow cadets for the rest of my life. Thank you facebook, I have never appreciated you more!!! haha. Definitely going to keep up with everyone online. I don't know anyone else from A&M that is going to Texas Tech next year, but at least I'll get to see lots of old friends at the Fightin' Texas Aggie football games in the fall. I can't wait!

So now I'm going home (San Antonio) for the summer. I'd almost rather stay in College Station to be with my friends taking summer school, but when I look back at the past two summers of doing that I realize that I never really hung out with too many people. So I'll try to meet some new people from SA in these next few months. I also need to find a part time job to save up money for these next two years in grad school. I have a scholarship and will be paid as a TA, butttt as everyone knows, grad students(especially those studying history!) do NOT have any extra money. The fact that I am not a girly-girl shopaholic is negated by the fact that I am a triathlete in need of a new wetsuit, aero-helmet, oh and yeah a new bike would be nice to. LOL!!! I need sponsors, but am unfortunately unable to muster the necessary enthusiasm for this sport to seriously compete at a high enough level to attract them. What can I say, I am a runner at heart.

So that's all for now. I could go on and on but it would only be pointless rambling about my incredible memories and how much I'm going to miss everyone. I have never appreciated Heaven like this before! It's nice to know that I will be able to reconnect with alot of people later on...and this is yet another reason to tell everyone about Jesus! :D

To all my friends - I love you all and hope to see you around, SOONer rather than later! Let's all come back to Aggieland as much as possible, 'kay?!

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