"Some people create with words, or with music, or with a brush and paints. I like to make something beautiful when I run." - Pre

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Busy Bee!! :)

OH man it has been crazy these past few weeks! I've had a really rough time for a while 'cause I was really sick and couldn't figure out what was up. I hate, HATE complaining so I'm not going to get into that at all, except to mention that I'm really worried about how the last couple less-than-stellar training weeks are going to impact my performance in Arizona. Suffice to say that I probably won't be running sub-3 in the NYC marathon either, but that will come! December...Vegas...I am so pumped!!! :D

Life has been just great besides that though. School is a lot of fun, and I've discovered that I have a mild obsession with the archives in the Southwest Collection here at Texas Tech. Reading and research are so interesting, at least to me....ahhh can't believe I'm such a nerd! Oh well. It's really tough trying to fit everything in but so far, so good. How can I not love life? I

On a completely unrelated note, the fall weather if settling in and I could not be more thrilled. In my mind, cooler weather and squash are the best things about this season! At least in Texas, where we aren't able to appreciate the gorgeous fall colors up north. I just ate half a kabocha squash roasted and mixed with smart balance (does anyone know a healthier butter substitute, or is actual butter, as a whole food, the best option??) honey and pumpkin pie spice for breakfast, and am sipping a homemade soy pumpkin spice latte. So good! I'm planning on making a ton of squash dishes in the next few weeks. My favorites include butternut squash lasagna, where I substitute Ezekiel bread for the noodles so it ends up like a savory bread pudding. Stuffed squash will definitely make an appearance. For a sweet treat I stuff a roasted acorn or blossom squash with a mix of roasted apples, honey and spices, and top it with a spoon of homemade walnut butter. Best. Dish. Ever! Oh and soup/stew in pumpkin bowls is also incredible. I just scoop the seeds and stringy stuff out of a small pumpkin, season the flesh, bake it and fill with homemade soup! When you dip your spoon in you come away with bites of tender pumpkin flesh and soup together...ahhh I want to make this now!

Only I can't 'cause I gotta get my boy to the chiropractor. His back is hurting him pretty bad but hopefully in just a few hours it'll be fixed :) So I'm off, but more to come soon 'cause I'm so happy I want to share it! Plus I'm a girl and I ALWAYS have something to say ;) Have a great fall day everyone...train hard, smile, love life and never, ever take anything for granted :)

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